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Leveraging FSA Benefits: A Win-Win for Opticals and Patients

FSA benefits are a win-win for patients and opticals


The end of 2023 is quickly approaching, which means that some patients may be scrambling to use their Flexible Spending Account (FSA) benefits before they expire. For optical offices, this is the perfect time to educate patients and promote the use of these benefits. By promoting the use of FSA benefits, you’re not only offering value to your patients, but you’re also creating opportunity to increase your end-of-year sales. Here’s why you should consider integrating FSA usage into your sales strategy:


1. Increase in Year-End Sales

FSA funds are a use-or-lose-it benefit, meaning that any funds left over at the end of the FSA period are kept by the employer and are not able to be used at a future date. By reminding patients of this deadline, you’re encouraging them to make the most of their benefits and make their purchases before the end of the year. This can lead to a surge in sales, especially during the final quarter, as people rush to use their funds on qualifying eyewear.

2. Enhanced Customer Loyalty

Fostering trust is an integral part of running a successful optical practice. By educating and reminding customers about the benefits of using their FSA, you’re showing that you care about their financial well-being and building a loyal customer base in the process. They’ll appreciate the reminder about the savings that come with FSA funds, and will likely visit your office again in the future.


3. Showcase New Collections

This is a great opportunity to introduce new eyewear collections or promote specific frames. With hundreds of styles and new designs always being released, A&A Optical frames are the perfect way for patients to utilize their FSA benefits. The end of the year is the perfect time to showcase your newest frame board offerings and increase your overall sales.


4. Minimize Slow Inventory Movement

Older stock or less popular styles not selling like you’d hoped? Consider highlighting these frames as special FSA promotions or bundling them with more popular choices as a way to move them off the shelves and make room for new inventory. 


Still having trouble moving old stock? With A&A Optical’s buyback program, you can sell your dead merchandise back to us and refresh your display with new styles. For every frame returned, you’ll receive a $50 credit toward new A&A inventory at the list price. To qualify, just commit to one year with us and a minimum of 36 board spaces.


5. Digital Marketing Opportunities

FSA benefits are the perfect excuse to harness the power of digital marketing techniques by creating FSA-focused ads. Various platforms, such as Google Ads, Instagram, and Facebook enable you to create specific campaigns to target patients that are more likely to have FSA benefits. These digital ads are a great way to increase awareness around your optical shop while also driving online sales.



By promoting the use of FSA benefits at your optical shop, you’re not only boosting sales and fostering customer loyalty; you’re encouraging your patients to make the best use of their pre-tax dollars. Using FSA benefits as a promotional strategy is a perfect way to end the sales year strong and get set for a successful new year.

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